“Érték- Menhely” Salon Program
We cordinally invite you to the NaN-art Drawing and Graphics Studio has first Salon Program at Német utca 2. I/7., Budapest 1084 on 7th February, 2012 at 6 p.m.
Attila Nyilas poet introduces the chapter 2011 of his poets “Notes of One Summer”, it came out as the appendix called Dűlő of the magazine Műút.
Lóránt Kabdebó, literary historian holds a conversation with the artist.
The magazines Műút and Dűlő will be introduced by the editor, Lóránt Kabai.
In the Salon you can see a painting selection of Alexandra Nádas made as illustrations for the poets.
In the Ari Kupsus Gallery Graphics you can see the exhibition “Marked Places” of Gábor Nagy and Alexandra Nádas.
The entrance fee is 1000 HUF for adults, 500 HUF for students with their ID. The entrant contains a glass of wine or refresher and snacks.
Please send your feedback to the nan.art.bt@gmail.com e-mail adress until 4th February, because we have only few places.